
It is my hope that through this blog I can share experiences and challenges from day to day life.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"Unlimited" By Davis Bunn

If you love to read, I would love to introduce you to one of my favorite authors:  http://www.davisbunn.com/blog/.  I have read so many of his books I have lost count.  Granted after kids came along my quiet reading times have been harder to come by, but I try.  Just this month he came out with a new book "Unlimited" that was inspired by a movie coming out in October 2013.  

I was privileged to receive a free copy of the book "Unlimited" in exchange for my honest review.  As with his other works this does not disappoint! Filled with suspense, and twists and challenge into the characters heart and self searching. I enjoy how real life events intermingle with fictional yet plausible events.  And I like how each character is challenged with their walk with God. It is always real.  

You could win a $50 Fandango gift card plus UNLIMITED, Davis Bunn's new suspense novel. Ten additional winners will receive a copy of UNLIMITED. Enter right now by clicking this link: http://woobox.com/mp5qew. You can enter once per email address per day. Rack up bonus entries by sharing the contest with your Facebook and Twitter friends! If you don’t have a Pinterest account, enter by filling out the form on the Official Rules page here http://bit.ly/15vTr8u. 

I can't wait to see the movie!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Reflections 2013

I was looking back over the past year. "Wow" is an understatement that seems almost overwhelming. Today our "baby" turns 7 months old and it is amazing all the changes that have been happening with our son, but more so with our family.  Truly is remarkable how such a small bundle can affect the world so much.  So here's to looking back.

A year ago: We were a family of 4.
When we sat down for a meal, dinner was served and eaten HOT.
We were sleeping through the night.
Although occasional at best, we had date nights.
Vacation planning (which usually did not get past planning) aside from budget, consisted of  "were the kids tall enough for rides, if there were any?"

AND THEN, we found out we were expecting, almost exactly a year ago today.  We prayed, we planned, we waited.

AND THEN, 7 months ago we were blessed with our surprise--the birth of our son Caleb.  A true blessing he has been.  After a wonderful, easy pregnancy and easy birth, he continues to be our joy.
So long as he is fed, dry and well rested: he smiles all the time,  (Imagine if all the people in the world were fed, dry and well rested...maybe the beginning of world peace?) 

Within the past week he has starting scooting, then crawling and now he tries to pull himself up to stand.  He is growing fast and on the move.  As I write this he is lying next to me peacefully sleeping. (Technically, I should be sleeping too, but I know from recent experience that as soon as I try to sleep he will wake.) Nonetheless, as I watch him sleep I am in awe, for this joy and this gift.

How things have changed this past year.  Now: the house is not quite as in order as I would like; but kids are happy and healthy.  Meals are hot to start but after tending to family and baby my meals are cold; but we are all fed.  Sleep is more of a sprint than a marathon.  I look forward to the marathon sleeping again...3 more years.  Date night? "What is that," we ask.

In 2 months my husband and I will celebrate 10 of marriage.  What a journey this has been.  So now I look forward to all that God has for us with excitement and at times trepidation that I have no clue what I am doing.  Good thing I  have a good guide.

(on a funny note, after I posted picture, hubby informed me that the kids lion did a photo bomb in the picture.  Great now the stuffed animals are getting in on the action.)

Monday, May 6, 2013

One day at a time

It is amazing how a small bundle of constant change can encompass and demand so much of ones time that when you blink you find the days and months blendinginto eachother.  So much has happened over the last 2 months between my husband and his doctor visits to fix his injured knee and my older children with school and checkups and keeping house and caring for a fast growing baby to say I am tired is an understatement.  But then I sit back and marvel at tiny moments when the older children do or say something for me or the baby or even to each other and "my cup runneth over."

I am thankful for older children that while they have their moments when I am very frustrated with them, I can tell them simply, "I need a nap," and they play quietly in their room until I wake.  More amusing are the days when the oldest will come and say. " mom, you look tired why don't you lay down with baby and we will play in out room."  When ever possible I take him up on those offers.  Or when he decides on his own doing to take clean clothes from dryer and put the wet in and ask if anything needs to be started in the wash.  I love that kid!

It is a bitter sweet fact that I can sit back and look over that past 9 months + and lament over what I did not accomplish as hoped, either in general or in regard to school.  But then I must take into account a precious addition came into our home and we have all learned more that would have been possible from a book or someone else's explanation.

A few more weeks of school and we can close this chapter and dig into summer concentration so we don't loose what we know, relaxed summer but active.  And then I can prepare for a new school year with an active baby--oh fun!

On a side note, what started out as a change for me 8 years ago as become a tradition after the birth of each child.  I have always had very long hair.  After our son was born I wanted a change and after some talking, my hubby suggested cutting my locks in honor of his mom passing way due to cancer.  So I cut off 12" and gave it to "Locks or Love."  That was 8 years ago.  Then our daughter came 3 years later.  Thanks to all the hormones or lack there of, I was loosing hair by the fistful and decided that I would rather give it away instead of throw it away.  So I chopped another 15" and had the shortest cut ever on me.  Now 5 years later, it only seemed natural, plus the fact hair was again falling out, that I would cut again.  I just love these hormones.  So last week I again cut the locks this time 18", and to boot my daughter also cut her hair donating 8".  Her choice, and she was so proud.

It feels strange but feels good in the summer heat, and the hottest part of summer is not yet here.

Well, I hear baby squeaking so I best go.  Till next time....

Friday, March 1, 2013

Time Flies

March 1st already!?  How time flies! Hard to believe all that has happened. Adjusting to a new addition has been exhausting and joyous all at the same time.  Sleep deprived sums things up very well.  Most of the time I am on autopilot.  I can need something or want to say something, turn to go do "whatever" and instantly forget what it was I was going to do.

I figured before it is summer and while I have a brief moment (as Caleb begins to squeak) I would update before I totally forget.  The last month in a nutshell:  (OOOH honey, pass the peanuts!)

School:  We have finished Our lessons on Orderliness; not that you could walk in our home and see it. (I am doing good if I can get the laundry done.  Bonus if it get folded.  Major feats, if it actually get put away before a week has past.)

We just started the unit that will finish our school year out.  We are studying Honor.  An overlap of these two units brings us to butterflies. We have spent the last week watching caterpillars eat and crawl to the top of their container and turn into chrysalises.   Next week we will watch 5 Painted Ladys emerge.  We are hoping it is warm enough to let them go or we will have LOTS of caterpillars to feed.  We have learned that a butterfly can lay up to 1000 eggs!  1000 eggs, times 3 or 4 caterpillars---we don't know how many females. Anyone have any Hollyhock flowers?  That's what the caterpillars like to eat.

Also March 2nd starts the 2013 Iditarod.  The kids are excited to watch their mushers this years.  (I think mommy's musher will win.)  :)

Baby Caleb:  He is now 6 weeks old and has gained 2 pounds  and 2 inches since his birth.  Eating is not a problem.  However sleeping, that is a challenge.  The last few weeks have been harder as he gets fussy.  He does not like to sleep at night.  Oh wait did I say we were sleep deprived??  

Well that is the major stuff happening. At least what I can remember at this time.  Better get this posted as Caleb is starting to squeak more.     

Friday, February 15, 2013

One month old

WOW!  It is amazing how something so small can take so much of ones time and energy.  I have tried or attempted MANY times to sit and write on this blog but alas I have either been preoccupied with New baby, (Caleb) or other children or trying to catch up on much needed-yet-rarely-gotten sleep.

So here we go.  As I sit and write, I want to officially introduce our new addition and blessing in so many ways; Caleb Joe Snyder.  Born January 17, 2013 at 8:05 am, weighing 8 lb 5 oz, and 18" long.  People always comment of "how tiny" he is; and yet he is bigger at his birth than both Josh and Shelby put together.  More surprising to me is that I knew he would be.

It is amazing how fast he is growing--as though I have forgotten how quickly they change.  This pregnancy was the easiest of my 3, and by far also the easiest delivery and recovery.  Yes I am still sore and healing, but I was up and around much sooner this time around than with the other 2.

As of yesterday, Caleb is 1 month old and as of his clinic check-up last week he was 20" long and 9 lb but with as fast as he is gaining and stretching even these number may have changed already.  He does not lack in the eating department--he is very much a Snyder when it comes to eating.  I am having to teach myself NOT to use the phrase, "Just like your brother."  Mainly because Josh does not like it, but I can see issues later in life, so I am trying.

Jody and I are slowing acclimating to sleepless or interrupted nights.  We are in awe of how 5 years can change the way the body reacts to things.  We are not spring chickens anymore, but God is good.  We both find it hard to believe that we are parents of 3 now.  Caleb will have a hard time learning his name as I keep calling him "Josh" or "Shelby".

The kids love their lil brother but can tend toward being too helpful when it comes to cares for Caleb.  At the same time, hey both have matured some in helping around the house.  It is amazing to watch them initiate in various household chores without being asked, and doing quite well to boot.

Now, we start the task of finding the "new normal."  After 3 weeks of no school, we started school again Last week.  Kinda a rough start--still working on it.  Schedule??  What is that?  Schedule is a work in progress.  More thankful we are homeschooling, in many ways it makes it SO much easier.

Well, I better close so I can post before little-bit (Caleb) wakes and I don't see my computer for another month.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year and Still Pregnant...

Well, we hoped and prayed baby would come last week, but he seems content to stay.  I am now 37 weeks and baby is about 7lbs.  He and I are bigger than any previous pregnancy or baby I have birthed.  Belly is tight and he moves when he can, seems to be quite cramped in there. I see Dr. on Thursday, maybe he will decide baby is ready.  I know he is...

Trying to stay healthy as both kids are now sick. Way to ring in the New Year.

I have been working on a few projects to pass time while sitting at home or in Dr. office.  I am working on knitting a blanket for Shelby--she saw some yarn and decided I needed to make her a blanket.  Also, hubby saw a cute beanie and thought it would be a fun challenge for me--and he said I had to make one for him and baby. Easier than I thought.  I even had a request to make another and got paid.  There's an idea...

As the New Year begins, we look forward to all God has in store for us.  We anxiously await Baby Snyder, and pray he is as cooperative outside the womb and he has been inside.  We pray this year will bring many blessings to you and your family.