
It is my hope that through this blog I can share experiences and challenges from day to day life.

Monday, May 6, 2013

One day at a time

It is amazing how a small bundle of constant change can encompass and demand so much of ones time that when you blink you find the days and months blendinginto eachother.  So much has happened over the last 2 months between my husband and his doctor visits to fix his injured knee and my older children with school and checkups and keeping house and caring for a fast growing baby to say I am tired is an understatement.  But then I sit back and marvel at tiny moments when the older children do or say something for me or the baby or even to each other and "my cup runneth over."

I am thankful for older children that while they have their moments when I am very frustrated with them, I can tell them simply, "I need a nap," and they play quietly in their room until I wake.  More amusing are the days when the oldest will come and say. " mom, you look tired why don't you lay down with baby and we will play in out room."  When ever possible I take him up on those offers.  Or when he decides on his own doing to take clean clothes from dryer and put the wet in and ask if anything needs to be started in the wash.  I love that kid!

It is a bitter sweet fact that I can sit back and look over that past 9 months + and lament over what I did not accomplish as hoped, either in general or in regard to school.  But then I must take into account a precious addition came into our home and we have all learned more that would have been possible from a book or someone else's explanation.

A few more weeks of school and we can close this chapter and dig into summer concentration so we don't loose what we know, relaxed summer but active.  And then I can prepare for a new school year with an active baby--oh fun!

On a side note, what started out as a change for me 8 years ago as become a tradition after the birth of each child.  I have always had very long hair.  After our son was born I wanted a change and after some talking, my hubby suggested cutting my locks in honor of his mom passing way due to cancer.  So I cut off 12" and gave it to "Locks or Love."  That was 8 years ago.  Then our daughter came 3 years later.  Thanks to all the hormones or lack there of, I was loosing hair by the fistful and decided that I would rather give it away instead of throw it away.  So I chopped another 15" and had the shortest cut ever on me.  Now 5 years later, it only seemed natural, plus the fact hair was again falling out, that I would cut again.  I just love these hormones.  So last week I again cut the locks this time 18", and to boot my daughter also cut her hair donating 8".  Her choice, and she was so proud.

It feels strange but feels good in the summer heat, and the hottest part of summer is not yet here.

Well, I hear baby squeaking so I best go.  Till next time....