
It is my hope that through this blog I can share experiences and challenges from day to day life.

Friday, August 26, 2011

In Full SWING.....

Well  our school year is in full swing, albeit interrupted with Doctor visits here and there.  None the less we have started.  There are of course many bumps on this journey as Josh is getting used to the idea of Home School.  He has still not bought into it, though I will say he is giving a good try at it.  Shelby is into it although today a bit on the difficult side--showing her colors so to speak.

In spite of their resistance, they are learning even if they are not aware of it.  This week we have been learning about our ears and how they work.  They can show you where the auricle is and tell you about the ear drum and what the cochlea is.  Do you know??  Surprisingly enough, our 4 & 7 year old were actually paying attention and could tell their father all about these things.  I taught them an old children's song about our ears, eyes and mouth and Shelby not only remembered it but sang it in key and rhythm.

Only 3 days into our school year and I think it has gone better than I anticipated.  They are excited about a field trip to the music store to learn about different instruments.  Josh hopes he will be able to play something. We shall see...

In spite of our rocky start, they have even managed to come along with me even with their dad on bed rest from knee surgery.  It is kinda nice; they learn something and get excited to go tell him ALL about it.  I pray they fully embrace this new journey and get excited about what they are learning as much as I have gotten excited about what I will teach.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Counting down the days

As the beginning of the school year approaches, it seems there is significantly more to do to get ready.  I am learning to focus and trying to keep an open mind and remember that EVERYTHING does not have to happen. I have planned well and am ready.  But I must remember that just because I have scheduled something, does not mean IT has to be done..today or this week or at all.

In addition to school starting there have been some added bumps in the road but I am viewing them as bumps and not detours or set backs... just bumps.  My husband was injured at work last month, and thankfully he will have surgery this week (the "first" day of school).  However, as I am the teacher, school can start a day or two late.  Not like the kids will mind, and since the "principal" is my husband I don't think he will be upset either.  :)

Although our son is not yet sold on the home-school idea, both kids are excited about school starting.  We keep telling our son that once he sees ALL the fun things we will do that "regular" school does not do, he will like it.  Great Expectations anyone??

Then there is the surgery our son will undergo in 2 weeks; in which he will be "out of school" for a week.  So needless-to-say, the next 1 1/2 of school will be getting used to the idea of school and getting some habits put in place in preparation for SCHOOL to start.

I have high hopes for this year; but mostly I am excited at the prospect of all the great things we will learn and enjoy together in a way that will leave cherished memories for all.  Here's to learning:  it is only dull when you stop.

Monday, August 8, 2011

New Room Design


So in preparation for school starting and giving our son a little freedom or the feeling of being more grown-up,  we have been rearranging the living room and the "computer room" so as to make the "computer room" into our son's room. Due to space (and maybe a little selfishness on our part) Our son and daughter have shared a room for the last 4 years.  Neither have complained or said anything.  However, our son has been wanting some alone time and we feel it is time for him to have his own space.  Our daughter on the other hand is not so happy with the idea, but she will get used to it.

In any case, I have managed today to not only wear myself out but also my husband as we have moved furniture, some pieces several times in order to find something that look good and felt comfortable.  My husband has decided that it is not safe to allow me next to a tape measure as I tend to measure everything as I am plotting where to put things.  Not that he minds the measuring, he was just surprised that a "little" moving grew to much moving in the process.  (Tee hee...)

We have found that we are indeed "creatures of habit" as we much prefer things the way they were.  Not to mention everything had a nice little spot and now there is "stuff" everywhere as we try to find new homes for everything.  As well, our daughter came to us after we were done and informed us that "we have to put everything back where it goes."

Tomorrow bodes a bit more rearranging as we get their rooms in order.  So here is to a good nights rest and hopes of waking with strong arms and no aches or pains.