
It is my hope that through this blog I can share experiences and challenges from day to day life.

Friday, August 26, 2011

In Full SWING.....

Well  our school year is in full swing, albeit interrupted with Doctor visits here and there.  None the less we have started.  There are of course many bumps on this journey as Josh is getting used to the idea of Home School.  He has still not bought into it, though I will say he is giving a good try at it.  Shelby is into it although today a bit on the difficult side--showing her colors so to speak.

In spite of their resistance, they are learning even if they are not aware of it.  This week we have been learning about our ears and how they work.  They can show you where the auricle is and tell you about the ear drum and what the cochlea is.  Do you know??  Surprisingly enough, our 4 & 7 year old were actually paying attention and could tell their father all about these things.  I taught them an old children's song about our ears, eyes and mouth and Shelby not only remembered it but sang it in key and rhythm.

Only 3 days into our school year and I think it has gone better than I anticipated.  They are excited about a field trip to the music store to learn about different instruments.  Josh hopes he will be able to play something. We shall see...

In spite of our rocky start, they have even managed to come along with me even with their dad on bed rest from knee surgery.  It is kinda nice; they learn something and get excited to go tell him ALL about it.  I pray they fully embrace this new journey and get excited about what they are learning as much as I have gotten excited about what I will teach.

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