September 8,
Thursday at
We both slept well tonight. Josh even
slept thru his cares at 4:30am. He was sleeping so well he was able to skip his
meds at 4am thus waiting till 6am to get a larger dose of meds which will be
good when he start Physical Therapy today. Moving him is painful and the extra
boost will be good.
Thursday at
Today is movement day. We changed is
clothes and later will change his bed. We also turned him kind of on his left
side. It’s a little uncomfortable for him as he has been totally on his back
all day yesterday. But he needs to move and be on his sides. He wants to go on
his tummy which may be more than he can handle right now. PT will help us
figure all this out, but it is defiantly a 2 person task. It wipes him out but he is now sleeping again.
Of course Codeine and Valium can do that.
Thursday at 6:55am
Song running thru my head:
This is the day that the Lord has made;
I will rejoice and be glad in it.
This is the day that the Lord has made;
I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Rejoice! In the Lord. Rejoice! In the Lord.

Thursday at
Good day today. PT came in to show us
how to get him to and from bed to wheelchair. He did a real good breathing
and with pain was able to assist moving himself to and from bed. Then he
wheeled himself in wheelchair down the hall a bit. Watch out Josh is driving!
Thursday at
Josh fed himself lunch and ate most of it.
He is excited to go down to the playroom and find some games. His IV has been
removed and will stay that way as long as he is drinking plenty of fluids. He
has thoroughly impressed the PT team at how well he did without complaint or
Thursday at
Josh went down to playroom. But there
were so many kids and the video games were not working so he chose a game to
bring back to his room. He drove himself ALL the way down and part way back
before getting tired. I suggested he sleep a bit and then play game. He said he
was not tired. We got him into bed and no sooner put the pillow behind him and
he was out. 2 1/2 hrs later and he is still asleep.
Thursday at
He just woke up and playing his video game.
Thursday at
SOOOO engrossed in his game he will not talk
to me. I have to block the TV to tell him dinner is here. He does not want it.
Thursday at
We have been (As usual) blessed by the
staff here at LLUMC. The only down fall I see is that the patients get better
food than what is served in the cafeteria. ask? Because the patients
actually get MEAT. In the cafeteria they only offer Veggie everything. A veggie
dog is NOT a hot dog by any means. And what is sadder is the short order cook
does not even know what the veggie burger tastes like. Reason: 7th Day
Adventist whom evidently don't eat meat.
Thursday at
He is doing great! He played for 2 hrs. Nibbled part of a cheese sandwich
then feel asleep again.
September 9,
Friday at
Josh slept thru the night even able to
wake for his 1am meds. At 4:30am his fever spiked to 102. It has been sitting
at 99.5* & 100.5*. Please pray that his body will fight whatever it is
fighting and get the temp down. This would be the only thing to keep him
longer--and he wants to go home.
Friday at
My devotion this morning:
Isaiah 2:15-17 "He will break down
every high tower and every fortified wall.”
Friday at
Josh's temp is back at 99*. And today
he actually wiggled his toes on both feet. Something he had not been able to
do. One of the Dr's assistants came in. He said because of the surgery he will
run a bit of a fever, and if meds are keeping it in check then he can go home.
As well, he said 99* is not a big concern, if it were to stay at 102* it might
be different. We will see what the Dr says when he comes in.
Friday at
One question they always ask Josh is to wiggle
his toes. He has not usually been able to do this before surgery and so the
last 2 days he said no. This morning he wiggled his toes on both feet. Slight
but wiggle none the less.
Josh had some breakfast and wanted a
bath. He was in a lot of pain and so
they gave him some Morphine. We gave him
a sponge bathe which he really liked.
Get the yuckies off him. But then
he was so tired he wanted to rest.
Friday at
Dr came in and says Josh can go home if
he wants. At first Josh said he wanted
to go home, but then before he fell asleep he told me he changed his mind and
he wants to stay. I told him to sleep
and we would discuss it after he woke up.
Experience has taught me that if he says he wants to stay it is better
to stay. So we will see.
Dr is not concerned with the spikes in
temperature as it is part of his bodies healing process. As we are able to
control the temp with Tylenol and Ice packs so there is no problem.
Friday at
Josh is sleeping. We got his med schedule off track and he had
to have some morphine due to some extreme pain.
So He is sleeping now.
Friday at
Josh woke and we discussed going home
or staying another night. He said he
hurt and wanted to stay another night.
So I told him; “Josh, you will be hurting for a while. So would you rather hurt here in the hospital
or hurt at home with daddy?” He said he
would rather hurt at home. So we will
make plans to go home.
Friday at
We are in the car and on our way
home. It is a journey as we have to
navigate his seating to make sure he is comfortable. We had to stop once for him to go to the
bathroom and then again to readjust his seat.
Friday at