
It is my hope that through this blog I can share experiences and challenges from day to day life.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Josh's Big Surgery 2011 -- Part 1

Josh’s Big Surgery

September 5, 2011
Monday at 4:40pm
Laundry washed, folded AND put away (a feat not easily accomplished the last few weeks.) Floors swept and mopped. Suitcase mostly packed and dinner in the oven. I think I am ready for the week at Loma Linda....We will be staying up late tonight so Josh can eat till mid-night and hopefully sleep in some. Then all the pop-cycles he wants for Breakfast in the AM and off the LL @ 11am.

I will be staying in a chair next to his bed. He has never been away from home except for grandma's. He has been really anxious all the more reason to be near him. I may actually get some reading done.

September 6, 2011
Tuesday at 9:20am
Well, we are just about ready. Josh has been playing video games this AM.  He settled for water for breakfast.   He is doing well. Thank you all for your prayers. I will update as I can today.

Hard to tell from the picture on the left, but this is Josh being his normal, goofy self.  As he was waiting in Pre-OP he asked the nurse for some gloves and a mask.  They then also brought a hat.  he loves to dress up in the stuff while waiting. 

September 7, 2011
Wednesday at 12:37am
Well, surgery was scheduled for 3pm. Dr. was running a bit late. Then trauma patient came in and we got bumped. Our Dr. had to help with the trauma as it was a child in severe condition. Need-less-to-say, Josh did not go into surgery until 11:30pm. 24 hrs no food and 12 hrs no liquid. He was a trooper, impressed the nurses by not complaining.

Wednesday at 1:26am
It was a VERY long day but I am well. I know and have seen many parents get heated. But there was nothing anyone could do and causing a fuss isn't me and would do no one good. So you (I) breathe a lot and look at the clock and pray things move on with positive info soon.... Dr just said they are closing up and all was fine.
Wednesday at 2:14am
Waiting to be called back to see Josh. He is in recovery asleep. Sooo tired, I want to see him and I want to sleep.
‎ Wednesday at 7:46am
3 hrs sleep---maybe. Josh is doing ok. Pain when he moves. He had some morphine about an hour ago.  He is eating ice chips and drinking water.  REALLY wants to eat but that is not for another hour.
Wednesday at 8:56am
So Josh has casts on both legs from the thigh
down to his feet. Then there is bar at his
ankles that spread his feet apart about a
foot and 1/2 or so. This is so that the
lengthening they did on his abductors (the
 inner thigh muscle) heals giving him more
stretch and range of motion.

 Josh's ankles are 16" apart. To give perspective—
His legs are 17" from groin to ankle. So figure out
how long you legs are and spread them out that far...

Wednesday at 5:24pm
They have removed his catheter. He has been sleeping off and on today, slowly getting his pain under control. Physical Therapy will come tomorrow to help determine what he needs at home. He may go home tomorrow but I am thinking more like Friday, which I would prefer for the pain.
Wednesday at 5:27pm  
Our biggest concern after pain management is getting situated with respite to be able to assist with him at home a few times a week.
Wednesday at 10:38pm
He seems to be doing better, more talkative tonight. His color back and he wants to play video games.

Will continue Tomorrow...

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