This week we will finish out unit on Frontiersmen which introduced us to Daniel Boone, Davey Crockett, Lewis & Clark and John Sutter to name a few. We also learned about trapping, tracking and fur trading and met a few Indians who helped the Frontiersmen on their journey. Lastly we learned about animals that our frontiersmen may have encountered like bears, wolves, snakes and coyotes; and how different animals prey or protect themselves. Next week we will begin our unit on North American Indians; coming at just the right time for thanksgiving and then finishing before Christmas. It looks to be very exciting.
We too have been on a kind of frontier with our son. After 6 weeks of being in casts to help loosen his muscles we thought getting out of the casts and being able to walk would be a exhilarating time for him. Instead we have seen our son like never before. HE seems to have lost his vigor. With understanding he has been fearful to try walking or putting any weight on his legs. We have encouraged him to just try, but instead he slouches in his wheel chair and refuses to try anything. We saw one of his Dr's and she looked him in the eye and told him that his legs were strong and could hold his weight and the he CAN walk. This talk helped for about 2 days and then we lost him again.
Funny to think that when the casts came off the Dr told us that we had to make sure he did not run, jump or climb. I thought I would be always on him to take it easy. NEVER thought I would be fighting listlessness. I feel for the parents that daily love on children that CAN NOT walk or have mental or physical conditions that prevent them from moving. I never thought that being a cheerleader could be so exhausting. Sadly there are days that just so tax me I can barely move. Our son constantly complains he is tired and yet he does nothing strenuous which makes him tired--ironic.
"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14
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