Luke 2:14 “Glory to God in the Highest; and on Earth Peace, good will toward men.”
This was our memory verse for the week. As the Holidays and Christmas season approach our School session comes to a close as we break to take time for the real meaning of Christmas—the Birth of our Savior, Christ the Lord.
This month after finishing our unit on North American Indians, turned to Christmas. We looked at Zachariah and Elizabeth, Mary and Joseph, Baby Jesus and all the happened during those long months approaching Christ’s birth. They wrote letters to Santa and were surprised to get both a letter in the mail and an email from Santa. Amazing sometimes what technology can foster.
The kids had fun today as we stayed in our PJ’s and had story time Friday. Hearing once again the story on Jesus; then closing with the story of the candy cane. Josh liked how the both the glory of his birth and his death on the cross are represented in the candy cane. He also likes that “when you turn cane upside down it makes a “J” for Joshua—I mean Jesus.” I read to them a new story to me and highly recommend it as it gives a different view of Christ’s birth. We typically focus on Christ (rightly so) and Mary. And yet Joseph had a big part in Christ’s birth and upbringing. The book is called “FATHER and SON—A nativity story”, by Geraldine McCaughrean.
We rejoice that Josh is doing better with his walking as he is finally able to get around better. This week he started walking without his walker. He is still wobbly but getting stronger. He will be getting new braces to give him more support and in the next few months he should be up and around walking taller and smoother. Praise the Lord!
Jody started back to work—another answer to prayer. However after a week he was really hurting again and the Doctor decided that it was too much too fast so has placed him back to half days for the next 6 weeks to slowly ease his knee back into normal workloads.
We look forward to the New Year and like many are praying for positive changes and better times. May God bless you and your Families as you come together and enjoy each other’s company. Merry Christmas!!!!
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